By Alexander Hendrie and Chuck Muth - Conservatives support free markets because they give consumers — rather than the government — the freedom to make purchasing choices and decide what price to pay. That’s why the...
FACT SHEET: AOA Makes False Claims About Costs and Benefits of FTC’s Proposed Procompetitive Update to Contact Lens Rule
The American Optometric Association (AOA), the lobbying group representing optometrists, has been making false claims about the economic costs and benefits of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) proposed procompetitive update to the Contact Lens Rule. These...
Optometrist Ally Sings: Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign
By Chuck Muth – Have you ever noticed the various workplace signs hanging in retail stores and business offices outlining labor laws, safety rules, employment non-discrimination prohibitions, etc.? Have you ever taken time to actually read them?...
Montana Senators Should Fight for Consumer Choice
By Jon Knokey – As a state representative, I have a responsibility to protect my constituents’ consumer rights from unfair business practices. Government should ensure an even playing field for its citizens; an arena where perseverance and...
New FTC Rule Sensible Step in Protecting Contact Lens Wearers
By Gary Zuckett - There is always one group or industry trying to capitalize on our lack of awareness as consumers. Actually, at any given time, there are many pitfalls out there. They often claim it...
Let’s Open the Market for Contact Lenses in the Manner Congress Intended
By Easton Randall - Contact lenses are a staple in the daily lives of more than 40 million Americans, which makes it crucial that consumers have easy access to them. That's what's at stake in a current debate...
Congress Shouldn’t Weaken Contact Lens Law: George Flaggs
By George Flaggs - Competition and the free market are cornerstones of the Mississippi and American economies, but some products still experience anticompetitive behavior, which raises prices and hampers innovation. The contact lens market is one...
Iowa and Idaho Attorneys General Write to Senate Committee on Appropriations
State Attorneys General Tom Miller (Iowa) and Lawrence Wasden (Idaho) sent the following letter ahead of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee mark-up of the Financial Services and General Government bill. Re: Contact Lens Rule Dear Chairman Capito and...
Stand Up for Montana’s Contact Lens Consumers
By Sophie Moon - Tens of thousands of Montanans wear contact lenses. We buy them at stores, we buy them online, we buy them when we need them and wherever we can get the most bang...
State Lawmakers: More Choices Mean Lower Costs for Contact Lenses
By State Senators Stephanie Hansen and Ernesto Lopez and State Reps. Paul Baumbach and Kevin Hensley - As contact lens wearers, we understand the importance of being able to shop around for contact lenses and glasses...