Dear Majority Leader Thune, Minority Leader Schumer, Chairman Cruz, Ranking Member Cantwell, and distinguished senators of the 119th Congress, The Coalition for Contact Lens Consumer Choice is a bipartisan coalition of consumer-focused groups, and companies who...
From Our Members
Letter from the Coalition to U.S. House Leadership: Support the Rights of 50 Million American Contact Lens Consumers
Dear Representative, The Coalition for Contact Lens Consumer Choice is a bipartisan coalition of consumer-focused groups and companies that compete in the contact lens marketplace and think tanks and advocacy organizations that weigh in on policy...
Letter from the Coalition to Senate Leadership: Oppose S.4083
Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Chairman Cantwell, Ranking Member Cruz and distinguished leaders, members and staff of the 118th United States Senate: The Coalition for Contact Lens Consumer Choice writes today in strong opposition...
Letter from Americans for Tax Reform to Congress: Protect 45 Million American Contact Lens Consumers, Oppose H.R. 2748
Dear Members of Congress: I write in opposition to H.R. 2748, the Contact Lens Prescription Verification Modernization Act. This bill would eliminate automated phone prescription verification, which guarantees that bad actors cannot refuse to verify prescriptions,...
Letter from Consumer Action, LULAC and NHMA to Chairman Leahy and Chairman Van Hollen on Protecting the FCLCA and the Contact Lens Rule
Dear Chairman Leahy and Chairman Van Hollen, As two of the leading voices for consumers in the US Senate and leaders in the fight for access for health care, we have always counted on your support...
Letter from the Coalition to the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee on Protecting the FCLCA and the Contact Lens Rule
Dear Chairman Leahy, Ranking Member Shelby, and the distinguished members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, The Coalition for Contact Lens Consumer Choice has been working for years to protect and strengthen the rights of the close...
Letter from the Coalition to the U.S. House of Representatives on H.R. 3353
Dear Representative, The Coalition for Contact Lens Consumer Choice is a bipartisan coalition of consumer focused groups, companies who compete in the contact lens marketplace and think tanks that weigh in on policy proposals in the...
Biden to Optometrists: You’d Be Wise to Open Your Eyes to Competition
Published in Nevada News & Views (Chuck Muth) – On July 9, the Biden administration announced an “Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy.” The new policy order opens as follows…“A fair, open, and...
Protect the Rights of 45 Million Contact Lens Consumers // Oppose S. 1784 & H.R. 3353
View information here.
Letter from the Coalition to the U.S. House of Representatives on H.R. 3353
June 2, 2021 U.S. House of Representatives Washington D.C., 20515 Dear Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader McCarthy, Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member McMorris Rodgers and distinguished leaders, members and staff of the 117th United States House of Representatives....