A group of contact lens retailers and consumers stand in sharp disagreement with groups calling for legislation changing the way a retailer verifies a prescription with an eye doctor. Anyone who wants to buy contact lenses...
New Legislation Will Harm Consumer Choice for Contact Lenses
One thing the government does better than any other institution is create problems where none exist. But, another thing the government also really excels at is making things worse for consumers. This is evident with new...
Fighting Another Unnecessary Rise in Healthcare Costs
It is often stunning how tone deaf some Washington policy makers can be. Last month, UnitedHealth, the largest health insurance company in the United States, announced that it will no longer provide insurance through the Federal...
70,000 People Urge Congress to Reject Legislation That Would Reduce Choice, Increase Costs for Contact Lens Wearers
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Coalition for Contact Lens Consumer Choice this week announced that 70,000 individuals have signed a petition urging Congress to reject recently proposed legislation that would reduce choice and increase costs for America’s...
Progressive Policy Institute Blog: The Productivity Growth Slump and the Case of the (Missing) Contact Lens
By Michael Mandel Productivity growth in the United States continues to slump. The latest numbers from the BLS show that multifactor productivity growth was only a tiny 0.2% in 2015. In particular, gross medical productivity of the US...
A Concrete Example of What Cruz Calls ‘the Washington Cartel’
Crony socialism involves government tax and regulatory favoritism to protect special interests from market competition, so they can make more money at public expense. Senator Cruz calls this operation of the Washington Establishment to benefit their...
You Don’t Need Glasses to See Why New Contact Lens Bill Stinks
Everyone who’s ever found themselves in a “captive audience” situation at an airport, movie theater or sporting event knows how sky-high prices get jacked up on food and drink. Indeed, you’re more likely to choke on...
Time for GOP Congress to Stop Anti-Consumer Cronyism in Contact Lens Legislation
Try to imagine what a GEICO-type commercial for contact lenses built around opening day of Major League Baseball might look and sound like. “Can Lens.com provide you with an affordable, clear image of your favorite team...
Retailers See Red In Contact Lens Bill
You've heard of Big Pharma, Big Tobacco and Big Oil. Now get ready to add Big Contacts to the list. A group of retailers including Lens.com, 1-800 Contacts and wholesaler Costco joined forces last week to...
Coalition Applauds Senators Lee, Klobuchar for Fighting for Consumers’ Right to Purchase Contact Lenses from their Retailer of Choice
Senators Urge FTC to “Maintain Vigilance Over Competition” in Contact Lens Market Amid Reports of Optometrists Failing to Provide or Verify Prescriptions WASHINGTON, D.C. – As optometrists continue to push legislation in the U.S. Congress that...