Dear Chair Wicker, Ranking Member Cantwell and the distinguished members of the Senate Commerce Committee, The National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) write today to ask you to...
From the Coalition: Letter to the Senate Commerce Committee
Dear Chairman Wicker, Ranking Member Cantwell and distinguished members of the Senate Commerce Committee, We are deeply concerned to hear you are planning a mark-up of S.4613, Senator Boozman’s bill to undercut the FTC’s Contact Lens...
From our Members: 1-800 Contacts Celebrates Strengthened Consumer Rights in Contact Lens Rule
1-800 Contacts, the largest retailer of contact lenses in the U.S., wants the estimated 45 million Americans who wear contact lenses to understand their new consumer rights granted in the final Contact Lens Rule (CLR) which...
From National Taxpayers Union: Pro-Taxpayer Regulatory Reform Will Boost Vision Care Choice—If Policymakers See Clearly
Shortly after the official implementation date of an important modification to the Federal Trade Commission's Contact Lens rule, National Taxpayers Union (NTU) President Pete Sepp offered the following statement: This week should mark the successful conclusion...
From the Coalition: Statement on Updated Contact Lens Rule (CLR)
NEW RIGHTS FOR AMERICA'S 45 MILLION CONTACT LENS CONSUMERS FTC's Updated Contact Lens Rules Is Now In Effect After more than five years of thoughtful work, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Updated Contact Lens Rule...
From the Coalition: Infographic on consumers’ rights under the FTC’s updated Contact Lens Rule
You can view the infographic here.
R Street Opposes Protectionist Contact Lens Legislation
The R Street Institute opposes S. 4613, a bill to amend the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act to prevent certain automated calls and to require notice of the availability of contact lens prescriptions to patients, and...
National Taxpayers Union: Consumers, Taxpayers Won’t Benefit from Senate Bill to Weaken Vision Care Competition
by NTU President Pete Sepp Far from living up to its name, new Senate legislation called the “Contact Lens Rule Modernization Act” (S. 4613) would actually weaken a true pro-taxpayer modernization effort of the Contact Lens...
Letter from the Coalition to the Senate Commerce Committee
Dear Chairman Wicker, Ranking Member Cantwell and distinguished members of the Senate Commerce Committee, The last thing we need in the middle of tough economic times and a global pandemic, is to make healthcare more expensive...
Letter from the Coalition to the House of Representatives Committee on Energy & Commerce
Dear Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member Walden and distinguished members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, The last thing we need in the middle of tough economic times and a global pandemic, is to make...