By Dr. Paul Donzis - Any good doctor will tell you that the key to helping their patients is having good information. The doctor needs to research a patient’s medical and family history, consider their symptoms,...
Contact Lens Prescription Bill Would Increase Optometrists’ Market Power
By Michael McGrady - Contact lens providers could be fined up to $40,000 per violation for filling prescriptions without first verifying them with prescribers by a modified verification process that could prolong patients’ wait times, if...
Here’s a Plank for the Conventions – No More Crony Capitalism
By Steve Sherman - I don’t care if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Chances are that you’re frustrated. If you’re a Democrat, you might be lamenting Bernie climbing into bed with Hillary. If you’re...
Crush Crony Capitalism in a Senate Appropriations Bill
By Dan Horowitz - Since the dawn of the progressive era, the government has not ceased in passing occupational licensing laws — mandates requiring entrepreneurs first possess a government license allowing them to sell a good...
How the Fight for a Free Market is Facing ANOTHER Attack
This is a story about the power of who you know in Congress and Crony Capitalism at its worst. I’ve discussed contact lens issue before. It seems pretty simple to me. Millions of Americans wear contacts...
Commentary: Senator Bill Cassidy’s Contact Lens Cronyism
Contact lenses are already expensive, but Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) wants to drive up the cost to an even further degree. How? By creating a strangle hold in the online contact industry. This will send...
Consumer Action Alerts: New Bill Could Stop You From Getting a Copy of Your Eyewear Prescription
FTC issues warning letters; troubling legislation being pushed by eye doctors and manufacturers More than 41 million Americans who wear contact lenses have the right to get a copy of their prescription from their eye doctor...
Americans for Tax Reform Blog: Senate Legislation Would Destroy Contact Lens Consumer Choice and Restrict Free Market
Legislation before the United States Senate, S.2777 the Contact Lens Consumer Health Protection Act (CLCHPA) needlessly reduces choice, increases costs, and may even threaten eye health for the 41 million Americans that rely on contact lens. CLCHPA, introduced by Senator Bill...
The Contact Lens Consumer Health Protection Act Explained
Without question, the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumer Act has lived up to its name. By requiring eye doctors to give patients their prescriptions so they can shop elsewhere for contacts, the 2003 law made the...
Senator’s Crony Amendment for Eye Doctors Will Have Patients Seeing Red
Nearly 40 million Americans use contact lenses. It is an estimated $4 billion market that was once held captive by opportunistic eye doctors. Thanks to legislation passed by Congress in 2003, consumers became free to receive...