Dear Member of Congress: We the undersigned organizations, representing millions of taxpayers and consumers, urge you to reject the “Contact Lens Consumer Health Protection Act of 2016” – S. 2777, introduced by Sens. Cassidy (R-LA), Boozman...
Parasites on the Republic
By Bruce Fein - Parasites of the Republic abound. Their modus operandi is to hijack government for self-enrichment. They should be rebuffed and ostracized as if clones of Benedict Arnold. Fix your eyes on the coalition...
Just Say No to Lame Duck Tricks
By Steve Sherman - With the upset of the ages in rear view mirror, Donald Trump is making plans about who to surround himself with come January. His election has sparked protesting in the streets and...
R Street Encouraged by FTC Proposal to Improve Portability Under Contact Lens Rule
WASHINGTON (Nov. 10, 2016) – The R Street Institute is encouraged by the Federal Trade Commission’s proposed updates to the Contact Lens Rule. The decade-old rule was crafted to promote competition in the retail sale of contact lenses, imposing...
How This Lame Duck Congress Might Be Threatening Your Contact Lenses
By Jillian Lane Wyant - Out of nearly 320 million people in America, roughly 41 million wear contact lenses in order to correct their vision. It’s a booming industry that brings in $7 billion each year and growing, and one that is not unfamiliar to powerful...
Horror: Pirate Contact Lenses!
By Andrew Quinlan - This Halloween, scores of consumers have purchased nearly 100,000 pairs of "counterfeit, illegal, and unapproved” colored contacts for costumes, all of which have been seized by “Double Vision,” an FDA-led consumer safety campaign. No...
War Over Contact Lenses Tricks Consumers, Treats Optometrists
By Ashley Baker - It’s Halloween season, which means it’s that time every year when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) tries to spook consumers out of wearing costume or decorative contact lenses. According to the FTC’s...
This Halloween, Don’t Succumb to Sneaky Eye Doctor Tricks
By Chris Versace - As Halloween approaches, nearly every mainstream media outlet has reported on the dangers of purchasing black market color contacts for costume parties. These warnings come for good reason -- over the past...
This Halloween, Will Congress Fall For Medical Lobby Scare Tactics?
By Dean Chambers - Congress takes up scary contact lens regulation bill As millions of Americans get ready for their Halloween costume parties, scores of consumers have purchased nearly 100,000 pairs of “counterfeit, dangerous, and unapproved”...
Don’t Let Congress Control Your Contact Lens Choices
By Eric Peters - Ever wonder why reading glasses are so easy to get—and inexpensive to buy? Perhaps it’s because you can walk into any drug store or supermarket pharmacy and try on a pair, find...