January 23, 2017 Federal Trade Commission Office of the Secretary 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Room CC-5610 (Annex C) Washington, DC 20580 RE: Contact Lens Rule, 16 CFR Part 315, Project No. R511995 On behalf of Americans...
Time For Action To Protect Contact Lens Consumers
By Dean Chambers - Eye doctors have had a history of charging higher prices to consumers for eye care products, including contact lenses. This has led to independent vendors offering consumers lower prices for the same...
The FTC Finally Sees The Light On Contact Lenses
By Christopher Versace - Here’s a surprise for the new year - for the first time in twelve years, the Federal Trade Committee (FTC) has set out to protect the interests of contact lens consumers rather...
How Eye Doctors are Robbing Us Blind
By Dan Horowitz - Recently, there has been a lot of talk in libertarian and conservative circles about eminent domain abuse, civil asset forfeiture, and the freedom of association. However, one private property rights violation that affects over 41...
R Street Institute: Regulatory Protectionism in the Contact Lens Market
R Street Policy Study No. 80 By Ashley N. Baker and Alan Smith - New technologies often present competitive threats to established industries. Incumbent businesses sometimes respond in turn by seeking to use the political process...
The Government’s War on Contact Lenses
By Eric Peters - Imagine you are shopping for a new car, but you’re forced by law to buy only from your local Chevy dealer. No cross-shopping other makes — or other dealerships. You have to...
The FTC’s Plan to Stop Eye Doctors’ Price Gouging Party
By Wendy Crosby - Imagine starting a business where you had a guaranteed clientele. Sure, your product isn’t the best or even the cheapest, but you happen to have a friend or two in Congress willing...
Contact Lenses May be Easier to Buy, Thanks to FTC Rule
By Howard Ain - Demand for contact lenses has been growing over the past decade and there are more places than ever for consumers to shop for them. A Federal Trade Commission investigation found many consumers...
Fact Sheet: Analysis of Federal Trade Commission Proposal to Update Contact Lens Rule
Highlights: Adds Strong Consumer Rights Provision to Address Repeated Failure of Many Optometrists to Release Prescriptions Rejects Almost Every Proposal by AOA and Contact Lens Manufacturers to Weaken Consumer Protections Undermines Arguments for Anti-Consumer CLCHPA Bill...
How to Correct Eye Doctors’ Vision Problems
By Peter J. Ferrara - No one likes going to the doctor's office, but the American people should be more apprehensive about their appointments than ever before. Apparently, eye doctors aren't seeing 20/20 themselves, even with...