By Chuck Muth - Dear Federal Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as FTC). In reading your official website, I learned that… “When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television,...
Lobbyists Hope Lawmakers Will See ‘Eye to Eye’ on Special Favors
By Jerry Rogers - Keep an eye on Washington this week as the American Optometric Association (AOA) – an advocacy group that spends nearly $2 million a year lobbying on the federal level alone – is flying thousands of its...
FTC Video: “Headed to the Eye Doctor? Take a Look at This Video…”
"Before you head to the eye doctor, take 30 seconds to watch a new video from the FTC about your eyewear prescription rights. Federal law requires your eye doctor to give you your contact lens prescription after...
FTC needs to help promote competition in the contact lens marketplace
By Andrew I. Gavil - Today, almost 41 million Americans wear contact lenses, spending an estimated four billion dollars every year to do so. Yet, despite Congressional and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) action more than a decade...
Advocacy Groups’ Open Letter to Congress: Reject Special-Interest Protectionism, Preserve Choice and Competition for Contact Lens Consumers!
Dear Member of Congress: The undersigned organizations from across the ideological spectrum encourage you to uphold competition and choice in the contact lens marketplace, which is exemplified by the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recently updated final...
Corporate Hypocrisy on Center Stage in Campaign for Eye Care Regulations
By Dean Chambers - Major corporations are often perceived by many as supporters of free enterprise, but unfortunately, this frequently proves to not be the case. The sheer hypocrisy of Johnson & Johnson in asking legislatures...
Johnson and Johnson’s Bill to Squash Competition in the Contact Lens Market
By Brian McNicoll - After a round of Capitol Hill meetings on eye-care policy, Peter Menziuso, president of J&J Vision North America, said all the right things about how "helping people safeguard their eyesight is our...
Government Cronyism: Looking to Stop the Power of Technology and the Free Market
By Seton Motley - The big government cronyism racket – is absurd. It is a disjointed, discombobulated mess of ridiculous ideas and assertions – put forward in steadfast defiance of the fundamentals of the free...
Johnson & Johnson’s War on Affordable Healthcare
By Brian Garst - Last week, industry executives from Johnson & Johnson, including J&J Vision North America President Peter Menziuso, conducted meetings with legislators on Capitol Hill to “deliver a message to Congress about eye care,...
Lobby Fight Focuses on Contacts
By Tim Devaney - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has triggered a major lobbying battle with a proposal that would make it easier for people to purchase contacts over the internet. Eye doctors say patients who...