By: Thomas O'Neil - Free market principles are what help to promote competition and improve prices for consumers. However, there are some industries in which we allow these principles to fall to the wayside and actually...
Senators ask FTC to Finalize the Contact Lens Rule Already
By Laura Northrup - Readers who wear glasses or contact lenses may be surprised to learn that their doctor is supposed to give them a copy of their prescription without being asked, but it’s true. This...
Opinion: Don’t Mess with Contact Lens Consumer Rights
By Ken McEldowney and Pete Sepp - With all of the noise coming out of Washington about health care policy these days, it is understandable if you missed another health care-related fight quietly going on right...
Hatch, Blumenthal Support Consumer Choice in the Contact Lens Market
Washington, D.C.—Today, Senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., sent a letter to the Acting Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Honorable Maureen Ohlhausen, urging the proposed amendments to Contact Lens Rule be finalized...
Senators Push FTC to Finalize Changes to Contact Lens Rule
By Lydia Wheeler - Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) are pushing the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to finalize proposed changes to rules for contact lenses, which they claim will create more competition in...
Congressional Cronies Work to Rig the Contact Lens Market
By Jeff Isaak - Type in “buy contact lenses online” into Google and what result do you get? Website after website, including those of giant retailers like Wal-Mart, asking you to click their link so you...
Will Congress Preserve Monopoly Power for Healthcare Lobbyists?
By Andrew Quinlan - In its never-ending quest to corner the contact lens market, the American Optometric Association (AOA) has begun a new lobbying campaign to persuade the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to abandon its efforts...
Leonard Lance Needs a Clearer View of the Contact Lens Debate
By Kevin William - I have always been a big fan of Rep. Leonard Lance. In fact, just a couple of months ago, I wrote on this very website about his principled stand on Internet privacy. But it...
Johnson and Johnson Fighting to Blind Congress to Contact Lens Market
By Steve Lonegan - Led by the American Optometric Association (AOA) and large companies like Johnson & Johnson, there is a major effort in Washington to use the levers of government to pad big corporations’ bottom line....
Healthcare Professionals Peddle Fake News for Personal Gain
By Eric Peters - Imagine that representatives of General Motors lobbied Congress and got a bill passed requiring people to buy GM-brand cars only. There would be riots, probably. So why no outrage over the lobbying...