From Our Members

Jan 30, 2017

The Latino Coalition Comment Letter to FTC

January 30, 2017

Federal Trade Commission

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20580

Re: FTC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Contact Lens Rule (16 CFR Part 315, Project No. R511995)

To Whom It May Concern,

The Latino Coalition (TLC), a national advocacy organization representing Hispanic businesses and consumers, strongly endorses the FTC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Contact Lens Rule (16 CFR Part 315, Project No. R511995), and praises the FTC’s commitment to improving choice for contact lens consumers and competition in the marketplace.

The FTC clearly understands that more needs to be done to make sure consumers know their rights and get copies of their own prescriptions after their eye exam and we strongly support their proposed amendment to the Contact Lens Rule. Thanks to the 2004 Fairness to Contact Lens Consumer Act (FCLCA), the price of contact lenses has come down and convenience for consumers has gone up. The fact that buyers can get their contact lenses in the mail, at a local drugstore or box store is critical when time is premium, especially for the small business owners and employers we represent.

See the Letter